Can I help with the project?

Although I deeply appreciate everyone who offers to help, I don't feel like I am in a position to recruit people at this moment, because the project is still very early in development and I still need a better picture of the technical features needed, to avoid wasting anybody's time redoing things to fit technical changes, which are happening quite frequently at this moment. But if you would like to send me some of your works, feel free to do so and I'll take a look at it whenever I get the time! (Could take some time though, sorry about that...)

Also, help spreading the word around is always appreciated!

What engine are you using?

The project started out on Godot Engine 3.3 and is now being ported to 4.0. Other tools I've been using are Blender for pretty much everything 3D, ArmorPaint for material painting, Krita and GIMP for image editing. Every software on the visual end is free and open source. The DAW I use for creating and recording music is Cakewalk (It's free, though I use a handful of paid plugins.)

How big is your team?

It's pretty much just me, antourenein, doing all the work right now, though I've had some technical help from a few close friends, who are nothing short of wizards.

Does the project have a discord server?

Not for now, but I'm looking into it to see if it's worth creating one. It may take some time though.

When is it going to be released?

I plan to release a demo containing the basic systems and the initial section of the game anywhere between Late 2022 and mid 2023. A lot of the systems are already in place, but they need to be ported from Godot 3 to Godot 4 or need to be refactored to have better communication between each other, so I am focusing on that now. More concrete plans for what comes after that are still pending and, of course, a full release is something only the future circumstances can tell.

Aren't you afraid of legal action? Why are you showing this around? Delete it now!

This is the elephant in the room, huh... Well, this is a project I've been working and experimenting on for years now, for fun and love for the original game, plus it's all non-profit. Basically it's just like any other Mother fan project out there, such as Mother Encore or Mother² (check them out!), which don't seem to be having any problems related to this matter. Bottom line is, I'm not really seeing a compelling reason to just keep it to myself for now. Where's the fun in that, anyway?

Also, Itoi himself once liked a tweet from the project, so even he knows it exists and lets it just stay there. (I will forever brag about this achievement!)